Monografias de Especialização
Estabelecimento de metodologia multicritérios para planejamento da expansão de sistemas de distribuição
Michele dos Reis Pereira
The planned expansion of the electric distribution system in Brazil currently follows the guidelines established in PRODIST Distribution Procedures, prepared by ANEEL. Module 2 specifically defines guidelines, minimum requirements and basic criteria for demand forecasting, planning studies, preparation of the development plan of distribution and regulatory geographic information systems. The planned expansion of the system itself, consists of a list of works proposed to a horizon of ten years, that aims to ensure market growth predicted given the technical and economic criteria established by the regulatory agency. Planning studies developed in Cemig D for the definition of these works are produced seamlessly between areas of high (34.5 kV to 161 kV) and medium voltage (13.8 and 23 kV) using base case flow power for making the diagnosis of the system, whose main parameters evaluated are: voltage, charging transformer, charging losses and voltage drop in distribution lines and feeders. Once detected the problems, alternatives for their solution encompassing works of high and medium tension are elaborated. It is noteworthy that for the development of diagnosis and simulation of alternative works high voltage is used ANAREDE the program and for the diagnosis and simulation of alternative works of medium voltage, we use the PSS ADEPT. So many reports are generated, whose interface, consolidation and conclusions are made by the professionals involved. For the preparation of various diagnostic information, among which are needed: the values of maximum demand recorded by SE in the year, provided the area of operations, growth rates for SE provided by market area and the cases base power flow Brazil, provided by the Energy Research Company EPE. The latter applies only to high voltage. After defining the list of work to be implemented and the definition of the cash amount available for investment that is finite, we should perform the prioritization of same. In this scenario, it appears that only the evaluation of the technical diagnostics used is not sufficient to assess all the variables that influence system performance, and does not guarantee a prioritization that meets all of the company's strategic objectives. Its necessary also evaluate the quality indices, asset depreciation, operating costs and maintenance involved, amounts of fines for breaches of quality targets, number of clients served. But this information is calculated and stored in separate data bank. Currently there isn´t a planning methodology for a systematic expansion that evaluates all these parameters. This lack motivated the development of this work. The objective of this monography is to analyze and evaluate by the use of an empiric study the information contained in geo-referenced diagnosis and propose a multi criteria methodology for prioritization of the most critical issues for business distribution by weighting each parameter evaluated, in order to direct the application of resources Cemig D investment in.