dc.contributorAdriana Maria Cancella Duarte
dc.contributorSavana Diniz Gomes Melo
dc.contributorDalila Andrade Oliveira
dc.contributorAlvaro Luiz Moreira Hypólito
dc.creatorLidia Campos Gomes Boy
dc.description.abstractThe collective dimension of faculty work has been the object of recent researches and is considered a forthcoming theme. The notions of group work, collaboration among faculty members and collective work have had a certain relevance in the changes occurred in management, school organization and faculty work, due to the educational reforms of 1990 and 2000, which conveyed more collective and participating mechanisms, supported by the principle of democratic management of education. This research investigates how the county public schools of Belo Horizonte and its faculty has organized themselves to accomplish collective work, especially since the recent changes of the RME-BH in relation to the reorganization of the time and space used for this kind of task. The conceptions of the faculty concerning this kind of task, the moments reserved for the tasks, the activities proposed and developed by the faculty during these specific moments, how they were performed, intentionality of these moments for the school and faculty and also the possibilities and difficulties for the tasks among the faculty members were analyzed. It was decided that a qualitative research that had a thorough bibliographic revision in search for theoretical referentials for the study, enlightened by the contribution of authors that approach the thematic of the faculty work within the contemporaneous aspects and the collective dimension of the faculty work would be made. The ones related to the RME-BH were also used, in the wish to know policies and propositions of this county for the collective work among faculty members of the county public schools. The research also collected and analyzed data, in two schools of the Municipal Public School District of Belo Horizonte using as instruments of data collection, direct observation and semi-structured interviews. The results show that the faculty when conceiving the collective work, view it as a division of power, participation in management, creation of a pedagogical and organizational project in common, sharing of knowledge, exchange of experiences, democratic formation of the student and the work conditions to realize it. This conception is far from what is accomplished in the Educational Units that were researched and were confirmed by the empirical data obtained. The current formatted time and space are not enough to supply the needs that appear and demand group work. Also the work conditions imposed do not favor the collective work, as conceived by the faculty members in this research. Thus making it possible for them to come through with a collaborative work.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTrabalho docente
dc.subjecttrabalho coletivo
dc.subjectMunicipal de Educação de Belo Horizonte
dc.subjecttrabalho colaborativo
dc.titleTrabalho coletivo entre docentes em escolas da Rede Municipal de Educação de Belo Horizonte: Concepções, permanências e rupturas
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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