dc.contributorInajara de Salles Viana Neves
dc.contributorCharles Moreira Cunha
dc.contributorJussara Bueno de Queiroz Paschoalino
dc.creatorFranciane Ester de Souza
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to critically understand the tensions that go through the work process of professor the higher education considering, centrally, the exercise of management activities related to positions of leadership, coordination or direction and representation in collegiate bodies at the University. The research problem is articulated to the professional practice of the researcher in face of the perceived silence in relation to the work of professor higher education in these activities. As a strategy to achieve the general objective of the research, it is sought to understand professor work and the place that academic management occupies in their professionality, identifying the implications of the training process in the exercise of the profession. It is sought understand the work process of the professor to answer two questions: in what way does the professor perform management activities concomitantly with the other activities of the position? And, what are the strategies used for this? The theoretical basis of the research consists in the concept of experience and the centrality of the work for the understanding of the social being. In a qualitative approach, the study is developed from the analysis of the Memorial of Promotion to the Titular Professor of five professors of an Academic Unit of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. The research has as methodological choice the Narrative Inquiry and as object of analysis the narratives of the professors of higher education to understand the experience in the perspective of management. The Memorials are the source of data from the register of experiences, livings and memories of the professional place that the professor of higher education occupies. Bardin's Content Analysis is used as a method to operationalize the exploration of the research object, as well as the treatment of the results. The results of the research recognize that the professor of higher education daily faces the challenge of being a teacher-researcher-manager in the logic of capitalist society, which is permeated with contradictions that are expressed in the education and work of this professional.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação e Docência
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTrabalho Docente
dc.titleVozes da experiência docente: uma análise da gestão a partir dos memoriais de promoção à professor titular

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