dc.contributorSelme Silqueira de Matos
dc.contributorIsabela Silva Cancio Velloso
dc.creatorMarcia Regina Alves Campos
dc.description.abstractPurpose:The understanding of the mental structure of candidates for Bariatric Surgery, in order to avoid psychological complications occurs in late post-operative is the tonic of this intervention project. Thus, this study aims to guide the multidisciplinary team on the main psychological characteristics of the Bariatric Surgery patient education related to health that contribute in the management of the patient and in his psychic well-being.To ensure comprehensiveness and answer the question the study's guiding the search for publications on the topic searched available Literature data bases in Latin America and the Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS); Brazilian bibliography of nursing (BDENF); Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem online (MEDLINE) and in the electronic library Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO). The proposed methodology was intervention project using as reference the Situational Strategic Planning (PES) planning and evaluation of health Actions, the Federal University of Minas Gerais and the module of CEFPEPS 07-EEUFMG. The project is expected to optimize the psychological suitable and effective to the patient for Bariatric Surgery pre-op to post-op in the short, medium and long-term interaction with the multidisciplinary team and this with the psychologist through effective actions and systematic monitoring.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPsicoterapia de grupo
dc.subjectPsicologia médica
dc.subjectCirurgia bariátrica
dc.subjectEducação em saúde
dc.subjectObesidade mórbida
dc.titleProposta de orientação para a equipe multidisciplinar sobre as características psicológicas de pacientes de cirurgia bariátrica
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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