Monografias de Especialização
O papel do enfermeiro na assistência ao paciente arrítmico
Ana Cristina Carioca
This work aims to characterize the scientific output and international, from January 2005 to July 2010 regarding the actions of the nurse in patient care arrhythmic. The paper presents an integrative review of literature on the role of nurses in providing patient care arrhythmic.Focuses on the electrophysiological mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias, therapeutic treatment and general tasks of the nurse to raise awareness of the entire nursing community regarding the importance of providing quality care, efficiently and effectively. The integrative reviewwas performed considering the three studies that met the inclusion criteria previously established. Among the publications selected only one was written by a professional nurse. The analysis and interpretation of data allowed the construction of three thematic units: the nurse caregiver, the nurse reference information, guidance and nurse educator who is in the texts analyzed, there is a predominance of the vision of the nurse as educator and reference information and guidance . Before these findings, we conclude that the scientific publications produced by the professional nurse are still very few in number, stressing the need for newpublications primarily on direct patient care.