Monografia (especialização)
Hormônios na água : os estados possíveis de mundo fabricados por estudantes de um curso técnico em Química no debate sobre uma questão sociocientífica controversa (QSC)
Luiza Siqueira Nunes
This work is the result of a research carried out from the analysis of data collected during the application of a Didactic Sequence (DS) based on the Science, Technology, Society and Environment (STSE) approach for students of a professional technical course in Chemistry. The last stage of the didactic sequence consisted in a simulated jury on the Controversial Socioscientific Question (CSQ):
“presence of contraceptive hormones in water bodies”. The main objective of the study was to analyze the possible states of the world outlined by the students during the simulation; and to characterize the emergence of collateral realities. The ActorNetwork Theory (ANT) was the theoretical / methodological tool used for data analysis. As a result, it was verified the presence of five possible world states conjectured by the teams of student representatives of each of the interlocutors involved in the controversial matrix, and the emergence of a collateral reality that emerged from the confluence of the five world possibilities negotiated during the debate.