Monografias de Especialização
Um plano de ação para o controle da Hipertensão arterial, na Estratégia Saúde da Família Ermida II, Divinópolis/MG
Vicente Javier Hernandez Bermudez
Arterial hypertension, nowadays is becoming an epidemy in all the world, and due to itself and its complications reduce a life quality in people who are suffering it. People with uncontrolled or not well controlled arterial hypertension have and increase risk of developing isquemic coronaries heart disease,retinophaty, chronic heart failure and chronic renal failure, cerebrovascular accidents and at not well known peripherical chronic artery disease. In our work area in Ermida II are a lot of people suffering for arterial hypertension and a lot of them are in way to deliver the complications pointed out, thats why our team work made an strategic with the proposition of increase of the level of knowledge of all our populations, sick, not sick and with the aim of increase the controlled number of the people affected. A revision of bibliography in LILACS e SciELO was made and some risk factors were found, obesity, sedentary life style ,smoking, drinking alcohol, antinflamatoric and steroidal drugs, genetic history, the lack responsibility in the treatment orientations guide with abandon or alterations in dosage, auto medication, the control of illness like Diabetes Mellitus was considered important . Some actions were pointed out to do , among them educative promotions of a healthy life style with the practice of physical activity, avoid smoking, avoid abuse of drinking, avoid of auto medication a campaign for healthy alimentation and for increase of level of information of our population with arterial hypertension and general population about it, a work of the health team with the individualization of the guide of treatment according with every patient was made and some patient with refractory response were availed for other team of specialist doctors in order to help them in their control, at the end of the work better result in general knowledge about health education were obtained