Monografias de Especialização
Reflexos da inclusão da saúde bucal na estratégia saúde da família no município de Poté-MG
Raphael Lauar Lima
The Brazilian health system has undergone many changes in recent decades. The key was the creation of the Sistema Único de Saúde in the 80s, in order to fix health care in the country, so far focused only on the cure of diseases, leading to a large degree of user satisfaction. To rearrange that assistance the Brazilian government created the Family Health Program in 1994, seeking primarily to prioritize the actions of promotion, protection and recovery of health and achieve comprehensiveness and universality of care. For improvements in access and oral health status of the Brazilian population and for the achievement of the guidelines mentioned above, dentistry has been included in this program in 2000. OBJECTIVE: To show the importance of the insertion of the Dental Team Health in the Family Health Program. METHODOLOGY: A bibliographic search was performed about the insertion of the Dental Team Health in the Family Health Program, in books and articles published since 2000, in the databases Medline, Scielo and CFO, using the keywords PSF, SUS and Dentistry and analyzed data from the Municipal Health Secretariat of the Pote, through the SIAB and records for internal control. CONCLUSION: The insertion of the Dental Team Health in the Family Health Program has expanded the Program's actions, improved oral health indicators, DMFT, dmft and caries-free people, has increased the actions of collective procedures and also increased access to dental services.