Monografias de Especialização
Gerenciamento estratégico de informação: proposta de produtos e serviços de informação científica e tecnológica para geração de inteligência competitiva em empresas de base tecnológica
Gleicilane Almeida Alvarenga Franco
Companies that are seeking to reach or to ensure a competitive position in the market where they operate, need to adapt more quickly to unexpected movements of their competitors, suppliers and customers. Thus, these companies need to be constantly updated about occurrences of the external environment, especially thoserelated to technological trajectory of competition and technological innovations that grow apace. Nowadays, due the big volume of the information available, companies need to strategically monitor (trace, identify and analyze) the signs of its impact on the competitive environment and anticipate the moves of their competitors. In thisambient, the Competitive Intelligence Technology becomes essential for rapid decision making in strategic processes. This study reflects about the importance of information in decision process of the company and introduces the Competitive Technology Intelligence as an important tool for the strategic management of information. It also presents a proposal of the products and services of the information scientific and technology that can contribute to the generation of intelligence.