Brasil | Monografias de Especialização
dc.contributorAna Cristina Fricke Matte
dc.creatorDeborah Alvarenga Vilarino
dc.description.abstractThis study analyzes, contrasted from the perspective of the journey narrativesemiotics of 08 (eight) Aesop's fables, focusing on the intermediate routegenerative of meaning that fits into the narrative level. It is investigating the transformation of states (or potential) that affects the relationship between subject and object in both gender fábula.Para, became the object of study / research, 08 fables of Aesop, because we hypothesized that the narrative taleshave similar schemes. We intend to describe and show how it articulates, in the particular circumstances of this kind, the modes of spoken narrative, ie,operates as the narrator writing in the exercise of authorship, the organizationnarrative / characters / etc in order to effect the production of of meaning by thesender. The theoretical principles that guide this discussion are based on theconcept developed by AJGreimas called narrative scheme. For this author, the entire narrative constitutes four narrative programs (PN): Handling, power, performance and sanction.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectFábulas de Esopo
dc.subjectSemiótica francesa
dc.subjectPrograma narrativo
dc.subjectPercurso gerativo
dc.titleO esquema narrativo canônico nas fábulas de Esopo
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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