Como a poesia das laranjeiras : o projeto político e pedagógico da intelectual Júlia Lopes de Almeida
Mateus Vinicios Afonso Rocha
This work analyses the political project of Brazilian intellectual Júlia Lopes de Almeida (1862-1934), focusing on four books of hers: Contos infantis (1886), Histórias da nossa terra (1907), Correio da roça (1913) e A Árvore (1916). Her project, which consisted of ideas at the same time modern and traditional, had a strong pedagogical content. She was able to combine her worries on teaching of civic values, on the use of nature’s symbolical and economical potential and on the fight for education and work for women. This research explores the network of intellectual sociability stablished by Júlia Lopes de Almeida, so that she could reassure her work would reach all the individuals she believed need to be reached. For this, understanding the role of cultural mediation by intellectuals was fundamental. This work also aimed to understand how academic research on Júlia Lopes de Almeida, especially the ones worried about “recovering” her work, contributed to build a certain memory about her that imprisons her complexities within the “chains of time”.