dc.contributorMarina Guimaraes Lima
dc.creatorSarah Nascimento Silva
dc.description.abstractThe Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) are one of doors the entrances to SUS, in these services the use of medicines makes up an important part in the treatment and control of mental illness, providing reintegration and coexistence of the individual to society. The aim of the study was to analyze the structure of CAPS and the organization of Pharmaceutical Assistance in these services. A cross-sectional study was conducted in seven municipalities in the Region Médio Paraopeba in Minas Gerais, analyzing all 14 CAPS of different forms present in this region during theperiod from April to June 2014. Based on Donabedian assessment model, recommendations and current legislation, semi-structured questionnaires were developed to interview managers, direct observation of CAPS and analysis of prescription drugs in these services. The evaluation of structures identified that most CAPS of this region fits the standards and recommendations of the Ministry of Health and has a professional staff higher than the recommended minimum for someprofessional categories. It was observed that the processes of Pharmaceutical Assistance in general are organized for the care of mental health in each of the stages of cycle logistics and requirements of quality showed good results. The analysis of prescription drugs pointed out some correlations with the type of service, gender of the patients and use of medicines. The results point to the need to implement improvements in physical structure and accessibility, adjustments for health legislation such as the regulation of pharmacies/dispensaries of drugs and traceability criteria in the dispensation of psychotropic medications. Importantly the need for actions directed to the patient, due to the large use of medicines in CAPS and several limitations of the patients welcomed. With the results obtained was proposed an initial model that could guiding new studies or even directs the implementation of priorities for establishing pharmaceutical services, protocols, safetyadvice for patients and rational use of drugs, since it is observed the lowrepresentation and discreet participation of professional pharmaceutical in care services in this region. This study established an initial diagnosis, allows reflection on the level of organization structures and processes in CAPS and reinforces the need to encourage actions that provide adequate results for the promotion of Pharmaceutical Assistance to patients of Mental Health.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCentro de atenção psicossocial
dc.subjectAvaliação de serviços de saúde mental
dc.subjectSaúde mental
dc.subjectAssistência farmacêutica
dc.subjectAvaliação de serviços de saúde
dc.subjectAvaliação da assistência farmacêutica
dc.titleAvaliação da assistência Farmacêutica nos centros de atencão psicossocial da região do Médio Paraopeba-MG
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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