Monografias de Especialização
Benefícios do alimento materno até o sexto mês de vida
Leidiane do Carmo Teixeira Cimini Oliveira
The present work discusses aspects relating to the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding until the sixth month of life. It is justified for the necessity to work this question within the community, especially to help pregnant and nursing mothers in understanding the advantages and benefits of this practice. It also discusses beliefs and taboos that contribute to the failure of exclusive breastfeeding. For the development of the subject, bibliographical review was made on the subject, as well an approach to authors work as nurse in the Family Health Program, in a poor municipality in the North of Minas Gerais. It was drawn up, still, a strategy to professional team acts in the community for lifting the index of exclusive breastfeeding until the sixth month of life, practice that benefices both mother and her son, and is recognized throughout the world.