Monografias de Especialização
Diagnósticos de enfermagem e recomendações para prevenção de complicações no estoma e pelo ao redor deste no indivíduo portador de estoma de eliminação
Carla Christina Reis Lopes
It is an integrative review which aimed to identify nursing diagnoses inherent patient carrier of intestinal stoma disposal as the proposal of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association and provide recommendations regarding nursing preventing complications in thestoma or skin around. Empirical studies in databases SCIELO, LILACS and MEDLINE with the following descriptors: Ileostomy, colostomy, stoma surgical, nursing diagnoses, nursing process, patient care planning, nursing assessment, primary nursing care, advanced practicenursing , rehabilitation nursing , Perioperative Nursing, Nursing Care and Evidence-Based Nursing, and the term intestinal stoma in languages Portuguese, Spanish and English in the period from 2000 to 2010. As regards the delineation of the seven selected studies weredescriptive study or case study, evidence level IV, as the classification proposed by Stetler et al. (1998). It found 13 nursing diagnostics: body image disorder, anxiety, impaired social interaction, poor knowledge, effective control of the therapeutic regimen, deficit in self care,disturbed sleep pattern, intolerance, impaired skin integrity, situational low self-esteem, hopelessness, family stopped processes and social isolation. The common diagnosis of nursing studies identified, was disorder in body image. More than half of nursing diagnosticsidentified are related to psychological needs. Recommendations for nursing to patients with stoma disposal regarding the prevention of complications in the skin around the stoma or found in the review were: correctly locate the stoma; create specific service to educate andmonitor patients with Stoma; sensitizing the professionals on the importance of the approach to patients in pre-operative and post-operative continuity; perform a globalized care withassistance and supply devices; educate patients to periestomais issues and accompany them after high to ensure the maintenance of a safe sink device; conduct new studies to examine the frequency of these complications, as well as the role of demarcation in reducing them. Wecan say that the study has identified the inherent nursing diagnoses a patient with stoma of disposal and establish recommendations for prevention of complications in the stoma and skin around. Note that studies concerning the identification of nursing diagnoses are scarce. It was 7 noted that the studies identified had low level of evidence. To revert this it is suggested that nurses conduct new studies.