Monografias de Especialização
Efetividade do fortalecimento excêntrico na prevenção de estiramento muscular dos isquiotibiais em jogadores de futebol
Kéilisson Aparecido Souza
The current essay had as goal to achieve a literatures narrative review in order to verify the eccentric strengthenings effectiveness in the muscular stretchings prevention of the hamstring when dealing with soccer players. For this, had been done articles searches in the databases MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS and SciELO in English and Portuguese languages. The terms that had been used were: soccer, prevention and injuries and also their correspondents in Portuguese. To the studies selection, they should be: a) should be clinical essays; b) should have as studys population the soccer players; c) should include the strengths eccentric training targeted to the hamstring muscles; d) should present as conclusion the hamstring injuries event/incidence and its seriousness. The studies edition date hasnt been defined. It had been selected five studies (n=5) in a total of 121 among the found. The reviewed studies have showed that eccentric strengthening has reduced the injuries evidence for hamstring stretching. Relative to the effectiveness of this strengthening at par the seriousness, the studies majority (four of them) have showed that there is no statistically relevant difference among the experimental and control groups. However, one late study has showed consistent differences between the researched groups. In front of this, the considered studies have suggested that the strengthenings incorporation of eccentric force can be an effectiveness alternative to the muscular stretching numbers reduction of the hamstring in the soccer players. Its also necessary that the prevention be seen considering the relation between the soccer players individual capacities and the imposed demand in his sporting practice.