Monografias de Especialização
Influência do esforço físico nas arritmias cardíacas
Mariana Alencar Queiroz Rodrigues
After the 70's, grew exponentially the importance of all issues that relate heart and physical effort, with the advent of cardiac rehabilitation and also by the mass of regular physical exercise among the normal population having primary aim changes in the style and quality of life, but also focused on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Among the negatives that came to be studied, there is one related to cardiac arrhythmias caused by efforts. Objective: This study aimed to assess the relationship between cardiac arrhythmias and physical efforts. Method: methodology was based on an integrative review. The selection of items was made from electronic databases that are part of the Virtual Health Library (VHL). After the search and application of relevant tests, three papers were selected for the sample, which were called Study 1 (E1), Study 2 (E2) and Study 3 (E3). Results and Conclusion: The articles in the sample of this study (E1, E2, E3), addressed different aspects concerning the various relationships between cardiac arrhythmias and physical efforts. Among the mechanisms shown to reduce sympathetic arousal and parasympathetic tone, both associated with arrhythmias in the recovery period after exercise was 30 and 45 minutes were cited; There were no significant differences in QT-RR relationship, which was the measure of repolarization assessed during recovery from normal patients or those with coronary artery disease; The occurrence of arrhythmias during physical stress test was confirmed using a standardized protocol sudden or gradual exercise and the prevalence of various arrhythmias in light of the tests carried out or the year; Physical exhaustion is a triggering factor for cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death are connected with this episode.