Dissertação de Mestrado
Tecnologia do processo de trabalho em hanseníase: análise das ações de controle na microrregião de Almenara, Minas Gerais
Fernanda Moura Lanza
This study has the objective of analyzing the technological organization of the workprocess in Hansens disease as done by the health workers in the services inAlmenara. This research has a qualitative approach and is based on the conceptTechnological Organization of Work carried out in health, according to Mendes-Gonçalves (1994). The research was carried out in nine towns in the microregion ofAlmenara, in the Jequitinhonha valley, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The subjects ofthe study included a coordinator of the technical aspects of the Pedra Azul regionalhealth office; seven municipal health secretaries; four basic health care coordinators;a municipal coordinator in technical aspects of Hansens disease; ten physicians;twelve nurses and ten community health agents. Data was collected using semistructuredinterviews and a survey of documents in institutions. For treatment andanalysis of the data we used Content Analysis, according to themes, as proposed byBardin (1977). The results show that for the town to have a structured Hansensdisease control program, it is not necessary only for the whole population to becovered by the Family Health Program. Access is determined by prioritizing this issuein the municipal health policy, through the model organizing this healthcare, whetherdecentralized, centralized or a mixed model, through the presence of qualified andcommitted health workers managing the disease control measures, by the availabilityof instruments to carry out skin and neural examination, by providing thebacilloscopic examination and by the availability of resources to disseminate thesigns and symptoms of Hansens disease to the population. It can be said that thetowns of Salto da Divisa and Jequitinhonha have a fragmented understanding of thepurpose of working with Hansens disease, since they carry out diagnostic andtreatment and leave preventive measures in the background. Almenara, Jacinto,Santa Maria do Salto, Rubim, Palmópolis and Jordânia have a broader understandingand see the control of the disease as the purpose of the work. In order to attain this,they carry out activities determined by the Ministry of Health for the prevention andcontrol of Hansens disease. Monte Formoso, which has epidemiologic silence, doesnot even look for the skin symptoms, since it does not have health workers trained inthe disease. We conclude that the Hansens disease control activities provided by thehealth services in the towns of the Almenara microregion are influenced by thetechnological organization of these services and the Hansens disease healthpractices are technologies developed within the work process itself and aredetermined historically and socially, since they occur in different ways according tothe site and the transformations that occur in society. The main challenge of thetowns involved in this study is the restructuring of the disease control program,based on effective public policies that assure economic, political and socialsustainability of the Hansens disease control plan.