dc.contributorMercia Heloisa Ferreira Cunha
dc.contributorSalete Maria de Fatima Silqueira de Rese
dc.contributorAide Ferreira Ferraz
dc.creatorEstefania de Oliveira Cherem
dc.description.abstractIonizing radiation (IR) is the term used to describe the transport of energy, both in the form of electromagnetic waves in both the subatomic particles that can cause ionization of matter. To contribute to the reflections of behavioral changes of professionals in regard to exposure to ionizing radiation was performed with a literature review to evaluate on the adverse effects caused by exposure to ionizing radiation health professionals. Productions were sought in national and international scientific databases Lilacs, Medline, Scielo totaling 72 items and only 11 were part of the sample. Most of the articles that were part of the sample are international productions. Given these results, ionizing radiation induces changes in the organism of workers exposed, because the authors reported DNA damage, chromosomal changes, deterministic and stochastic effects, changes in the thyroid gland, the induction of carcinogenesis. Its also continuing education and occupational medicine clarify the radiological hazards associated with their activities and train every employee who acts in the area of radiation so that it has adequate and safe performance. Should occur more studies on the subject, mainly domestic products, because the few articles that tell more about this by specifying what effects that may occur in the body of workers exposed in the future.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectRadiação ionizante
dc.subjectExposição ocupacional
dc.subjectPessoal de saúde
dc.subjectRiscos ocupacionais
dc.titleEvidências dos efeitos prejudiciais da exposição à radiação ionizante para os profissionais da saúde
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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