dc.contributorClaudia Maria de Mattos Penna
dc.contributorTúlio Batista Franco
dc.contributorAnézia Moreira Faria Madeira
dc.creatorRegiane Veloso Santos
dc.description.abstractThis is a qualitative study based on the Comprehensive Sociology by Michel Maffesoli, andits objective is to understand the perception of the patients about the Care Line for Pregnantand puerperal women and for the new-born babies. The research took place in the São GabrielHealth Centre, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The subjects of the research were 12patients that experienced the care offered by this line. Data collection was done by semistructuredinterviews. To treat and analyze the data, it was used a content analysis techniqueaccording to Bardin (1977) and Minayo (2006). From this process, four thematic categorieswere created: 1) The resolutivity of the care line; 2) The education in health as care; 3) Theintegrality in the micro-space of care production and 4) The (un) reliability in the SUS. Thefirst one is about the re-organization of the work processes as a device that made it possible toreach resolutivity in the care line, the elements that create a resolutive assistance to thewoman in the prenatal period and during labor besides the particularities of the puerperalperiod as well as the assistance needed in this phase of life. The second one refers to thehealth education as a way to care, contributing to the emancipation of the subjects. The thirdone emphasizes the integrality practices present in the care line, such as the nurturing, theestablishment of a connection, the creation of responsibility regarding the care and the life ofthe patient. The care relations between professionals create a group of elements that builds thepillars of the materialization of the integrality as the patient is introduced in the care, learningher needs in a broader way. Besides, team work emerges as a possibility to integral care. Thefourth and last category shows that, when the assistance is thought and implemented aimingthe integral and resolutive care, it is possible to provide a good assistance to the user and tocreate credibility in the health service. It is expected that this study provides reflections thatmake it possible to build a universal health system, in which the user is conceived whileparticipating in this process.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectParticipação Comunitária
dc.subjectPlanejamento de Assistência ao Paciente
dc.subjectAcesso aos Serviços de Saúde
dc.subjectAssistência Centrada no Paciente
dc.subjectAssistência Integral à Saúde
dc.subjectSaúde Materno-Infantil
dc.titleIntegralidade do cuidado à gestante, puérpera e recém-nascido: o olhar de usuárias
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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