Artigo de Periódico
Estudo da lixiviação de cresóis em solo condicionado com lodo de esgoto: um potencial contaminante de lençóis freáticos
Karla Danielle Rodrigues Pinheiro
Maria Isabel Ferreira Moura
Gevany Paulino de Pinho
Edson de Oliveira Vieira
Pedro Augusto Alves Amaral
Sérgio Luiz Saraiva Dos Reis
This article addresses the study of the extraction of chemical contaminants of the cresols class, present in the sewage sludge, in order to enable its use in the agricultural environment, avoiding the contamination of the soil and water sources. Agriculture is a vital
sector, intrinsic to food supply, but it is also a potential polluter. Thus, sustainable alternatives have been developed for the disposal and proper use of sewage sludge in the sector. Composed of several chemical contaminants, such as cresols, the sludge, when
disposed to the soil, can be a direct risk to water, caused by the leaching of compounds and surface runoff, requiring continuous monitoring to ensure the quality and conservation of the water resources. This research aims to perform the extraction of cresols in real soil samples through a quick, easy, cheap, effective, robust and safe procedure (QuEChERS) by gas chromatography coupled to the mass spectrometer, GC-MS. Based on the study, the extraction rate of the compounds was unsatisfactory. However, the derivatizing agents provided stability to the reactions. In general, the study proves to be essential for the continuity of research that enables the applicability of sewage sludge, so t at it doesn’t result on vulnerability and contamination of water, affecting its quality and use.