dc.contributorNilma Soares da Silva
dc.contributorAlfredo Luis Martins Lameirao Mateus
dc.contributorEliane Ferreira de Sa
dc.creatorTiago de Miranda Piuzana
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation of the Program in Professional Education and Teaching of the Faculty of Education (FAE) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) presents the elaboration, development and analysis of a teaching sequence with the Soil theme presenting a proposal for blog use as a teaching support tool in the development of investigative activities in chemistry class. This work was conducted with high school students in a public school in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil. The teaching sequence allowed the researchers the opportunity to investigate the use of the Blog by Professor author and teachers and undergraduates of the institutional program of initiation scholarship to teaching (PIBID) of Chemistry area of the FAE / UFMG. This sequence is presented in the researcher teacher's Blog to access other interested people. The survey data were constructed from the daily notes, questionnaires given to teachers and students, an interview with one of the Pibid teachers and Blogs developed by the students of the participating schools. The research, supported by the researches about inquiry teaching, theory of mediated action and the use of information and communication technologies, in this case the Blog, discusses about the contributions of the Blog in the investigative context. Among them, we emphasize the proper use of the Blog to systematize and socialize the ideas of students. Besides the contributions, the research shows that not all students can engage in the use of virtual tools, we indicate to teachers to diversification of educational resources to enable students to act and learn through them.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEnsino por investigação
dc.subjectSequência de Ensino
dc.titleO blog como ferramenta de apoio didático no desenvolvimento de atividades investigativas nas aulas de Química
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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