Monografias de Especialização
Vacina contra Influenza Sazonal em crianças menores de dois anos de idade, na Estratégia de Saúde da Família: discussão de uma prática
Anderson Costa Portes
This study aimed to perform a critical analysis of the developed practice by a team of Family Health team in Vila Cemig Health Center, Belo Horizonte, which is to offer the vaccine against seasonal influenza for children aged six months to children less than two years of old suffering from asthma. This work is based on a literature review, about concepts on asthma in children and the triggers of wheezing in this age group, particularly the role of viruses and the possible immunobiological effectiveness of this vaccine in minimizing the incidence of wheezing in asthmatic children. The conclusion is you cannot say that vaccination against seasonal influenza in children less than two years is a significant practice in reducing episodes of wheezing in this age group. Much of viral respiratory infections are common cold and flu syndrome, predominantly caused by other viruses, not Influenza A, like respiratory syncytial virus. And the seasonal influenza vaccine provides no protection against respiratory syncytial virus. Moreover, of 228 children under two years of age Vila Cemig Health Center, 80 has a diagnosis of asthma. Possibly, most of these children are only transient wheezing. Finally, some recommendations are proposed to be discussed and implemented in the daily process of work of Family Health team, regarding the use of the vaccine against seasonal influenza and asthma management.