Tese de Doutorado
O processo de construção de práticas argumentativas nas aulas de Ciências em uma abordagem investigativa: interações discursivas nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental
Claudia Starling Bosco
Due to the complexity and importance of argumentation in Science education for children, this thesis aims to understand and characterize how discursive interactions were developed in the classroom, in a didactic sequence about micro-organisms context guided by an investigative approach as well as understand the dynamic of the use of discursive genres. The study was conducted in a class of students in the third year of elementary education in a public school during science classes. The construction and analysis of the data was guided by theoretical and methodological assumptions of interactional ethnography (GREEN et al.). From immersion in the field, class filming, records in the field diary, photographs and artifacts in the school life it was possible to develop event maps and discursive interactions boards from three events called Congressos de Cientistas Mirins (Junior Scientists Congress) when children discussed about procedures and the results of their investigations. Congressos (Congresses) were analyzed from speech transcriptions into message units taking the interactions established among the participants under consideration. These analyses involve the interaction between Science teaching, argumentation and discursive genres from discursive interactions in a conversation with different knowledge fields. To do so, we relied on the sociocultural dimension (Vygotsky); on the dialogical conception of the language and on the studies about discursive genres (Bakhtin; Swales); on the discourse analyses (Bloome; Gee); on the argumentation (van Eemeren; Jiménez-Aleixandre; Osborne) and on the Science teaching field (Candela; Carvalho; Driver; Duschl; Kelly; Lemke; Lorenzetti; Moje; Mortimer; Munford; van Zee). The results show that the argumentative practices were not previously established situations in the classroom but were developed in the interactive and dialogic process among the participants experiencing different ways of being, acting and speaking. We show that when children experience more formal uses of the language in the school environment they are involved in scientific practices as observe, justify, use evidences and communicate ideas. Children who have, defend or confront points of view create new learning opportunities. Science teaching and learning should be understood in the discursive interactions as construction of practices processes. It reinforces the importance of involving children in different context of language use and implies rethinking the pedagogue role and training on the specificities that involve Science teaching for children.