Monografias de Especialização
Autoavaliação institucional participativa na escola técnica do SUS de Rondônia: uma proposta de intervenção
Rosilda Rodrigues da Silva
In the present work has focused primarily submit a proposal for intervention in order to develop a Self-Appraisal Tool Institutional Participatory under Technical School SUS Rondônia, called Center Professional Technical Education in Healthcare (CETAS). For this understanding there was a brief history of Professional Education in Healthcare, related to the creation of the SUS Technical Schools, whose goal is the training site for workers in this area, so that they become reflective and critical citizens-autônimos regarding conceptions of SUS. The rationale for such intervention was in the personal, institutional and social. In Theoretical sought the contribution of several authors with concepts, importance and benefits assessment, institutional assessment and self-assessment institutional participatory provide the institution as a whole. Finally we present the proposed intervention, through Tables containing the steps and outlining the actions / activities to obtain the final product as an Instrument for SelfAssessment Institutional Participatory under CETAS / Rondonia.