Monografias de Especialização
A importância de uma vida saudável frente ao envelhecimento populacional
Cintia Souza Oliveira
The objective of this research is to analyze the importance of a healthy life ahead aging population. The choice of theme is justified since it was found that Brazil has presented a country that is gradually getting older, because there are at least 14.5 million people aged 60 years or older, representing 8.6% of total population, according IBGE. The research method adopted was the literature review so that it became possible to analyze and determine what are the factors that may contribute to a healthy living and aging in its construction by a quality of life, overcoming barriers of aging. It was concluded that these people, even with the presence of difficulties that come with age, still find ways to maintain the quality of life through sports, living with others, activities such as dance, among others.