Monografias de Especialização
Neurociências, hipnose e vidas passadas
Rodrigo Eduardo Pereira Ferretti
The hypnosis has been used as a tool for diagnosis and treatment ofpatients with pos-trauma stress disorder through memory evocation. Thistreatment comprises evocation of events that seem to be related to otherexperiences that are not from the patient himself. That is they cousist of aregression to past grasps of existences. This work aims to review literature about the subject using bibliography research based on datafrom Scielo, PubMed, Portal Capes in the period from 1974 to 2007,besides that, the research tries to verify the biological basis of hypnosisand memory and proposes a method to investigate the phenomena ofregression to past grasps of existences. The review literature points toconsistent data about neuroanatomies neurophysiological andcomportamental mechanisms of hypnosis and memory. Thesemechanisms are studied in human beings through methods of brainimaging. Thus, this work allows a proposal for a study or experiment using an equipament for brain imagement in order to verify brain areasactivated during the report of evocated memories in a hypnosis session.For these volunteers will be envolved through techniques for past liferegression.