dc.contributorFrancisco Vidal Barbosa
dc.creatorSamuel Ayobami Akinruli
dc.description.abstractIn an environment of fierce competition and trade liberalization, where innovation processes are based on the appropriation of knowledge, scientific and technological progress, the protection of Intellectual Property increasingly integrates the strategy adopted by the leading organizations and governments of countries. In Brazil, there is a high level of production of scientific researches, theses, papers for scientific journals accounting for 2.12% of global production and making the country rise in the world rankings to 13th position on the list of the highest publishing countries of the world. Therefore, Brazil has developed competitive academic skills and significantly advanced the training of qualified human resources. Nevertheless, one can say that it is a contradiction when it comes to intellectual property protection of generated and published knowledge. In other words, Brazil is among the countries that publish scientific papers in the world, but on the other hand, it is among those who least recorded patents. At the same time, Brazil has been in a favorably stable economic phase, which causes the broadening of many international interests in its industries which are tending towards expansion and to increase in demand for both skilled human resource and advanced technologies. This research relates intellectual property with regard to the pharmaceutical and technology transfer to economic growth and development. Thus, it is a study of the Triple Helix components, analyzing the interactions and cooperation between institutions as research centers and universities, the pharmaceutical industry and the government of Brazil in terms of creating new points of convergence and strategies for technology transfer in Brazil and the state of Minas Gerais. We hereby inquire into the Brazilian universities patents performance, as well as the rate of patenting and technology transfer of pharmaceutical patents at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) which exercises its patent activities through its innovation and technology transfer office (Coordenadoria de Transferência e Inovação Tecnologica CTIT) and its it was found that a lot still needs to be done to improve the applicability of produced and patented technologies in the university to the pharmaceutical industrys production processes.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCTIT UFMG
dc.subjectTecnologia e inovação
dc.subjectIndústria farmacêutica brasileira
dc.subjectTriple Helix
dc.subjectTransferência tecnológica
dc.subjectPropriedade intelectual
dc.titleIntellectual property and technology transfer performance in brazilian university: a study of UFMG and its pharmaceutical technology
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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