dc.contributorSalete Maria de Fatima Silqueira de Rese
dc.creatorAurelia Janaina Nunes Amorim Silva
dc.description.abstractThe inpatient units are places where patients are assisted in various pathologies and clinical complications, and depending on these, in some situations these patients may suffer cardiac arrest is then necessary agility and speed on the part of the team that works there, more precisely the professional nurse. In this sense the present literature review aims to discuss the overall importance of the nursing staff during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the hospital context. To carry out the theoretical framework of this study were previously evaluated 20 scientific articles sought to gather literature themes more consistent with the subject matter, a search was conducted in the following data bases SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), portal Capes, Google academic, Medline, Pubmed. This search was conducted between the months janeiro/2012 to setembro/2012, were found in total 20 articles, but only 13 were included because they fit more with the subject studied, the exclusion criterion used was the lack of consistency with the theme studied . So this way then it is imperative that the nurse is able both from a technical standpoint, the scientific power to be able to discern a cardiac arrest and can make the right decisions safely and ethically in order to avoid mistakes and most importantly save the patient's life.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectRessuscitação cardiopulmonar
dc.subjectParada cardiorrespiratória
dc.titleAtuação do profissional de enfermagem durante a parada cardiorespiratória no âmbito hospitalar: uma revisão integrativa da literatura
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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