Estudo químico de própolis do estado de Minas Gerais
Roberto Chang
Propolis is a complex product elaborated by bees from tree resins,
waxes, pollen, plant fragments and bee salivary secretions. It is used to
seal and protect the hive against insects and microorganism attacks, and
to improve the temperature and moisture controls.
Propolis has good biologic properties like antibiotic, microbicide ,
anti-cariogenic, antifungic, antioxidant, antitumoural and cicatrization
Propolis composition varies accordingly to the local flora and can
have brown, red, black, white or green color.
The green propolis distinguish itself from the others, because in its
constitution, there is a resin extracted from “ alecrim-do-campo” buds
(Baccharis dracunculifolia), an endemic bush in certain regions from
At this work, green propolis samples were analyzed by
chromatographic (GC-MS, HT-HRGC-MS, HPLC and HPLC-APCIMS/MS), spectrophotometric (total phenols, flavonoids levels in
quercetin equivalents and antioxidant activity) and gravimetric assays.
Other propolis and plants samples were analyzed for identification and
verification of similarities in their constituents.
The HPLC/MS and GC/EM techniques furnished the best
information about the chemical composition of the propolis samples.
Cinnamic acid and derivatives, flavonoids, high chain alkanes and
alcohols, carboxylic acids and derivatives (main ly esthers), nonhydroxilated aromatic compounds and terpenoids were identified. Many
compounds could not be identified specially the four isomers with MW
270 and one compound with MW 256.
All the propolis samples collected in areas where Baccharis
dracunculifolia was native, showed a chemical marker, a non -identified
compound with MW of 256 Da. This compound was found in this plant,
but not in other plants samples neither in propolis samples collected
where this plant was not present. The biological tests with PSB and PSG samples showed reasonable
bactericide activity, although the minimum inhibitory concentration
could not be determined.