Artigo de Periódico
Neutralidade de rede: mudanças na infraestrutura da internet e como isso influencia na sua vida
Leonardo Netto Parentoni
This article analyses net neutrality. It starts by contextualizing internet’s birth, its purposes, the main principles used on its design and how was its original architecture. Next, it describes some recent changes on the internet’s structure, highlighting the monitoring and control of data packets, in order to enable a discriminatory treatment between them. This part explains how this subject affects the life of billions, worldwide. Finally, the paper focuses on net neutrality as the main legal response to the previously described problems, explaining how it derivates from the original design principles of internet, in order to support a conclusion that reconciles, at one side, free competition and investment strategies, and, at the other side, privacy, freedom of speech, innovation and internet users decision-making autonomy.