dc.contributorMaria Guiomar da Cunha Frota
dc.contributorVera Lucia Doyle Louzada de Mattos Dodebei
dc.contributorIris Maria da Costa Amâncio
dc.contributorMarcos Antonio Alexandre
dc.contributorAlcenir Soares dos Reis
dc.creatorAline Pinheiro Brettas
dc.description.abstractThis thesis intends to analyze recording as a way of preserving cultural patrimony, considering the information provided by the document and the context of its production. The recording of the congados was set out as an empirical boundary, the following documents being adopted as objects of appreciation: the Dossiê de Registro do Reinado de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Betim, produced by the Fundação Artístico Cultural de Betim (FUNARBE), given to the Instituição Estadual de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico de Minas Gerais (IEPHA/MG), for its approval and nomination as Patrimônio Imaterial do Município de Betim (Immaterial Patrimony of Betim County); the video digital production made by the Audiovisual Reference Center (CRAV), entitled Religiosidade afro-brasileira em Belo Horizonte: registro audiovisual, made between the years 2003 and 2006, along with the publication of a photograph catalogue about the Irmandades do Rosário, published in 2006. Foremost, the initial considerations about the recording of immaterial patrimony, the problematization about this theme, and the reasoning for thesis elaboration were presented. The theoretical reference consisted in studies of the following axes that subsidized the analysis: cultural patrimony, congados and the diverse forms of recording. A few thoughts and propositions of performance analysis were presented, the latter being a way of providing a field of investigation for recording. A study on institutionalization of culture in Brazil, as well as the new cultural action promoted by the cultural equipments and the affirmation of afro descendent identity, was inserted. To analyze the records, the following methods were utilized: documental analysis, observing the conditions of document production and making use of inferences; performance analysis, detected in the said files, for identification and analysis of some expressed knowledge, keeping at sight how this methodology could complement and enrich the production of records. The discussion about participation of subjects, considering the differences and compatibilities in their own words, also took place. Relating to the records produced by CRAV, references that assisted the comprehension of filming techniques, and others that present a theoretical and anthropological approach on film description, were adopted. The fact that the State must contribute to the preservation of the goods that become patrimony through the recording, but the role of the subjects practicing such goods must be respected, was brought up. Discursive coexistence, with no hierarchization, between all actors involved is possible, as long as they're opened to continuous dialogue and mutual cooperation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPatrimônio cultural imaterial
dc.subjectBelo Horizonte
dc.titleOs registros de Belo Horizonte e Betim: novas abordagens em relação ao registro do patrimônio cultural imaterial
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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