dc.contributorGilson Queiroz
dc.contributorSebastiao Salvador Real Pereira
dc.contributorFrancisco Carlos Rodrigues
dc.contributorSebastião Arthur Lopes de Andrade
dc.creatorFabio Silva de Carvalho
dc.description.abstractThe use of composite slabs with incorporated steel deck have been growing in the steel construction, in order to eliminate some inconveniences of the conventional floor systems. The steel deck is obtained by cold formed steel sheets lapped in each other at the edges and filled up with concrete. The deck have the purpose of being capable to support and enclose the concrete and others construction loads until the concrete has hardening enough to provide composite action. After the hardening of the concrete, the deck remains incorporated, acting as total or partial positive reinforcement, forming the composite slab. When deep steel deck are used, whose spans can reach distances between 6000mm and 9600mm, the secundary beams are dismissed, the decks usually are supported by the bottom flange of the beams, resulting in slimmer floors. However the use of a deep deck implies the necessity of providing details to avoid plate buckling and assure the transmission of forces to the beams. One of this details is stamping of corrugations along the deck, that associated with the longitudinal sttifiners defined with geometry of deck assure the good works of the composite slab. The aim of this dissertation is to propose preliminary design criterions to calculate deep steeel decks with corrugated webs working in the stage before the concrete hardening, comparing the existing theory with Finite Element Analysis results.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectLajes mistas aço-concreto
dc.subjectFôrmas de aço
dc.subjectAlmas corrugadas
dc.titleForma metálica profunda, com alma corrugada, para incorporação a lajes de concreto - comportamento na fase antes da cura do concreto
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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