Monografias de Especialização
Gestão arquivística de documentos eletrônicos: modelo de requisitos mínimos obrigatórios para Sistemas Informatizados de Gestão Arquivística de Documentos (SIGAD)
Marcos de Castro Jasmim
The Information Systems Management of Archival Documents (SIGAD) emerge as the solution to manage a growing volume of electronic records produced and / or received by public or private institutions in the course of their activities. In light of the concepts and theories applied to the Management of Archival Documents, entered in the National Politc Archives, a SIGAD should have mandatory minimum requirements to ensure that the characteristics of archival managed documents are maintained and preserved. In this sense, based on the Manual e-ARQ Brazil, this paper aims to present and discriminate all the mandatory requirements that must be present in a solution SIGAD to facilitate the complex task of choosing, implementing or evaluating these systems.