Artigo de Periódico
Por que analisar a gestão das incubadoras de empresas de base tecnológica sob a ótica da resource-based view?
Silvana Alves da Silva
Adelaide Maria Coelho Baêta
Janete Lara de Oliveira
This article points out the Resource-based View (RBV) field as an important
theoretical approach to understanding the management of incubators of technology-based
companies (IEBTs), given that these organizations need to access a number of internal and
external resources, tangible and intangible, which, combined, make the process of
innovation feasible. Theoretical and empirical studies already address mainly issues related to
the results achieved by incubated companies. However, a concern in understanding the
internal organization of IEBTs cannot be seen in the literature, beyond their features and
identifying how management collects and handles the resources needed to meet their goals. It
started from a literature review of the main texts published since the late 1990s on the RBV to
appropriate their contribution to the understanding of organizations as a set of resources and
expertise. It sought to also published studies on IEBTs to identify the main features developed
and accessed by them. This analysis reveals that the incubators are a wide range of resources
and, therefore, it is important that managers identify, organize, combine and exploit specific
features that clearly create competitive advantage. By this light, the performance difference
observed in these incubators is explained by way of handling resources. The focus on
resources accessed and developed by IEBTs pointed to the need for a specific analysis about
the skills in handling these resources to ensure the sustainability of these organizations.