Dissertação de Mestrado
A performance nos Salmos: dança dos corpos nos textos
Lira Cordova Vieira
This dissertation focuses on the contemplation of the body, which is life, destined to communicate and meet the divine, in integration with the sacred. It is an attempt to read the biblical text and, from the reading of this word, materialized and transmitted through paper, notice the body which puts itself in it: a body that suffers, gets joyful, prays and dances. This dance finds itself erased, put on the back burner, in written registers. When light is directed toward these performances, there is an acknowledgement of something that goes beyond what is registered, written, which meets things that are related to the body sphere. In the Hebrew bible, the relation established between God and humanity is given much importance, and the Book of Psalms, the main object of this study, is one of the utilized instruments which are capable of strengthening this bond, since its poems are about prayers that comprise the whole body those are poems which turn into song, poetry and prayer through the voice and the dancing. In this book, the body is presented as a fundamental element, which inserts itself in a community and is related to the other and to the divine. In order to do that, ten psalms are read and analyzed on the basis of dancing, of the attempt to notice there performances of a present body. From the text to the body: this was the path proceeded in this research. The establishment of the biblical text and the elaboration of its translation were made in Chapter 1, then there was a focus on the body in Chapters 2 and 3, in which there is an analysis of dancing and its specificities in the presented context, that is, the Hebrew community. The Bible is read, through this point of view, under the strength and the form of movement: the movement of the text, from a language to the other, and the movement of the body, from gesture to dancing. What is shown in the body of the text is susceptible to be transferred to the body, and become a text in the body with the dance.