Dissertação de Mestrado
Enquadramentos da injustiça: conflitos morais e éticos na narrativa de Vai fazer o quê?
Lucas Afonso Sepulveda Alves
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the TV show Vai fazer o quê? (What would you do?, Fantástico/TV Globo) and its position and its valued ethics when it deals with social and moral conflicts of regular peoples everyday lives. To this investigation, we realized a frame analysis (MENDONÇA; SIMÕES, 2012; BATESON, 1, 1974), to understand which norms and values are summoned in four of the shows episodes, by the participations of regular people in the scenes, by the shows presenter and by the own constructed narrative of the Vai fazer o quê?. The analysis has evinced that, while the show celebrates a citizenship, civism or communitarism model based on the value of the solidarity, on the moral action and the sacrifice for the Other unjustly treated, it, sometimes, ended up being condescending to the ideological discourses that guarantee the maintenance of certain social injustices in the social and cultural context of Brazil. We also noticed that the values of individualism and privacy seem to be embodied in many ideological discourses of the common sense that favor the reproduction of unfair relations in our society. Lastly, we understand that, to reach to a society closer to the politics of the common good (SANDEL, 2009), its fundamental the existence of a more responsible media, in its mediations, and a citizenship that is critical to the representations that circulate in our society