Monografias de Especialização
O plano anual de capacitação por competências: uma proposta de ação para a UFMG
Maria das Dores Vieira
The main objective of this work was to analyze the legislation that deals with the National Staff Development, in particular as regards the development and implementation of the Annual Training Plan Competency within the UFMG, as recommended by Decree n. º 5,707, of February 23, 2006, in order to contribute to the elaboration of a proposal for the feasibility of the project to provide training for the institution. In order to achieve this purpose, were drawn the following specific objectives: a) to describe and analyze the legislation that deals with training in the context of the National Staff Development b) investigate theoretical frameworks that address the management of training for skills c) provide subsidies for the UFMG / PRORH can develop and implement the Annual Training Plan. The theoretical framework that served as the basis for this work has addressed the development of people management in Brazil as proposed by Marras (2009), Chiavenato (2008), Fischer (2002) and Araujo (2010), the evolution of the management of people in the administration public, and the Federal Institutions of Higher Education, the concepts of management by competence, training, development and education. The methodological path traversed was guided by the qualitative approach. The chosen method was a case study and also an action research. The work indicates that there is a gap between the legislation governing the development policy of the federal civil servants and practice to provide training for the UFMG. Finally, we presented some guidelines in order to contribute to the development and implementation of the annual training plan for servers UFMG.