Monografia (especialização)
Prevenção e tratamento de lesão cutânea provocada por extravasamento e infiltração de medicamento
Alice Cordeiro de Macedo
INTRODUCTION: The extravasation of chemotherapeutic drugs administered intravenously
can occur in several clinical contexts, and is predominantly associated with peripheral venous
catheters. OBJECTIVE: To identify, in the literature, scientific evidence on the prevention
and treatment of skin lesions caused by infiltration and leakage of chemotherapy drugs,
seeking methods that guide the practices practiced by nurses, in order to improve the care
provided to patients undergoing venipuncture. METHOD: Integrative review study carried
out on the VHL portal, in the PubMed, Lillacs, Medline and BDENF databases. The
following inclusion criteria were used: articles published without limit of dates, in Portuguese,
English and Spanish. In turn, the exclusion criteria were: duplicate studies, review studies,
animal studies, those whose theme did not fit the guiding question and studies unavailable for
reading. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The sample consisted of eight studies developed in
different countries. Intervention in the face of overflow requires updated theoretical and
practical foundation, since safety in the administration process of chemotherapeutic agents is
part of the nursing routine, being its responsibility. In this sense, it is essential to monitor the
quality of care, reflect on clinical practice based on what is observed and reinforce the patient
safety culture. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Although there are no uniform
recommendations on the best strategy to adopt in order to prevent infiltration and leakage of
drugs, adequate diagnosis and treatment may prevent long-term sequelae