Dissertação de Mestrado
Percepção musical no curso de extensão em música da UFMG: uma abordagem qualitativa
Kleinny Kacilah Bok
This dissertation is the result of a qualitative research developed at the Music School of the Federal University of Minas Gerais UFMG. The data were collected through unstructured observation, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews during five months with the participation of the students of the Music Extension course. The research in question presents a study of the Music Perception classes at the Music Extension course. It aims at describing the syllabus, the learning situations experienced by the students through the music learning process, analysing the rate of hits and errors demonstrated by the students during a review exercise chapter conducted in class. In this dissertation, the melodic dictation and the memorization exercise are pointed as the least favorite categories to be worked in Music Perception classes while the melodic solfege is the favorite one according to the students. It is concluded that this preference or not towards the syllabus of the Music Perception classes demonstrated by the students, has to do with the aspects related to the hearing of intervals, which is one of the major dificulties presented by the students in class.