Dissertação de Mestrado
Potencial para inteligência competitiva em bibliotecas de instituições de ensino privado: um estudo de caso do sistema batista mineiro de educação
Igor Rezende Quintal
This study investigates the possibility of libraries of educational institutions having technical conditions to support the practice of Competitive Intelligence (CI) of its sustaining institutions and evaluate whether these institutions have preexisting conditions to start the process of CI in their organizations. Doing needs assessment of strategic information from the executive leader of the company, survey of capacity of the existing human capital in the company to create strategic reports to the CEO should overcome the institution in decision making, survey of existing information resources in the Central Library to subsidize the monitoring of information sources to support the CI process and identify the existing technologies of information and communication traffic such information. Relying on the case of Sistema Batista Mineiro de Educação and its Central Library to achieve these responses. This research was justified in view of the increasing need for companies are increasingly alert of the variations in the competitive market that they operate. And the ability to leverage existing resources in educational institutions, such as libraries, human capital and technology to perform the activity of CI without the need for extra costs with outsourced or new hires and acquisitions businesses. To accomplish these responses semistructured interviews were carried out to trace the informational needs of the CEO of the institution and its leaders support areas. Was also raising the existing information resources in the Central Library for their usefulness in identifying information needs for decision making in the CI process, and technology survey to identify whether there are means of the CI system be operationalized through them. As a case study, it was found that there are some weaknesses in human capital to provide all strategic reports that the CEO needs for decision making. It also appeared that the Central Library has enough to supply a process of CI informational conditions as well, despite corporate emails are one of the simplest technologies of information dissemination can be used in a CI process. At the end are some related libraries in Brazil and abroad who work in the direction of supporting CI practices in their companies, as well as through the sale of information services for market segments. Finally we present some suggestions for future research.