Uma perspectiva multidimensional para a pobreza no mercado de trabalho brasileiro em 2005 e 2015
Lucas Diógenes Pitombeira
Since the economic crisis of 2008, a myriad of studies on in-work poverty has gained relevance in Europe and the United States. These studies seek to understand two building blocks of this phenomenon: changes in the labor market and in the family structure. An overlap between the discussion of multidimensionality in poverty and labor market poverty is established. Thus, we propose to analyze labor market poverty from a multidimensional index at the individual level. For this purpose, data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) of 2005 and 2015 from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) are used. The results display that the usually vulnerable groups are overrepresented in the multidimensional analysis of market poverty. In the 2 years analyzed, the results also show that, despite the improvement among individuals with no aspect of in-work poverty and reducing the dimensions of accumulation of poverty in the labor market, the structure remains the same.