Monografias de Especialização
Relação multiprofissional do trabalho em equipe na atenção básica de saúde
Reginaldo Afonso de Paul
The objective of this study was to define and inform the role of the integrated work of an interdisciplinary team, providing basis for theoretical interventions consistent and efficient performance of the team of family health in order to improve the work process in the best results for population. The purpose of teamwork has been conveyed as a strategy to face the intense process of specialization in health. This process tends to deepen the knowledge vertically and respond to individual aspects of health needs, without taking account both the articulation of actions and knowledge. In the field of responsibility and knowledge specific to each profession or occupation, there is a field of expertise and shared responsibility. It is in this field, in the reorganization of health services, this study emphasizes the importance of developing educational practices that contribute to the quality of daily professional and the exchange of knowledge between team members and between professionals and users, attention on individual and collective, that is, be able to plan together, professionals, users and groups representing the community, actions that transform the reality of the territory ascribed, not only from health point of view, but focusing especially on cultural, economic and social.