O discurso parlamentar como elemento de justificação no processo legislativo
Marcus Vinícius de Freitas Teixeira Leite
Parliamentary speech is one of the most important elements of the legislative process, understood as a discursive manifestation responsible for changing a legislative proposal’s processing and for representing diverse thinking present in society. The analysis regarding how parliamentary speeches are inserted in the legislative process therefore turns essential to comprehend its space and its relevance as one of the means of justification of the rulemaking process. Thus, the discourse analysis arises as one of the ways to understand such statements’ functioning in the parliamentary context, starting from categories of analysis related to the problem, such as thematic categorizations and elements of intertextuality, something realized in this research with respect to Provisonal Measure No. 881/2019 processing. In an intrinsically political context, legislative process is conducted by political agents that seek to represent interests and social groups, so that it is very important not only verifying the voices present in parliamentary speeches, as well as understanding the speech acts’ functioning in the political dispute. Thereupon, dissent is one of the most important aspects in the legislative process, before the conflicting dimension in parliament and the need to ensure opposition participation mechanisms. It was then observed diferent characteristics in parlamentarians’ discursive constructions, focusing on the norms’ effects, on processing’s procedural issues ando n the constitution of political identities mainly from dissent.