Dissertação de Mestrado
Controle de um conversor de múltiplas entradas (MIC) com MPPT para o sistemas fotovoltaico e eólico ligados a um mesmo barramento CC
Natalia Alcantara da Silva
This paper presents the study of dynamic modeling and control of a converter of multiple inputs (MIC) with MPPT connected microgrig. There are two independent inputs, wind and photovoltaic sources (PV), connected to a DC bus, and a single converter (MIC) as a means of reducing system costs. In order to extract maximum energy from the PV system for a given insolation and temperature, an approach of adjusting the inverter switching cycle by tracking the maximum power point (MPPT), through an incremental inductance algorithm is proposed. The multiple inputs (MIC) Cúk converter is modeled and a small signal average model is derived and used for the control synthesis. Simulation was made using MATLAB / Simulink..