dc.contributorAntonio de Pinho Marques Junior
dc.contributorLucia Daniel Machado da Silva
dc.contributorMariana Machado Neves
dc.contributorVicente Ribeiro do Vale Filho
dc.contributorErika Christina Santos Oliveira
dc.creatorRebeca Marques Mascarenhas
dc.description.abstractWe investigated factord tha influence dog chilled semen quality. In Experiment 1 we evaluated the effect of medium exchange on quality of chilled dog semen and found that medium exchange sustained sperm motility and increased sperm longevity on collected dog semen, without influencing membrane integrity. In Experiment 2 we evaluated the results obtain with individual ejaculates and polled dog semen ando observed that pool semen formation made it easier to handle semen samples, mainly in respect increase work material volume, however data obtained from individual ejaculates was able to establish differences between treatments not apparent in pooled semen data.In Experiment 3 we evaluated the effect of fructose supplementation over on chilled dog semen quality. Supplementation with fructose after six days of cooling, but not after twelve improved sperm motility and integrity sperm membranes. Sperm longevity was not affected by medium supplementation. In Addictional Results we evaluate the quality of dog ejaculates collected over a month period as well as the effect of a short interval between ejaculates on semen quality. We observed a 10 fold variation in quantitative seminal parameters between collections for the same individual, and a 30% variation in qualitative parameters. The short interval between collections did not the parameters evaluated for dog fresh semen.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectSemen cão
dc.subjectMeio diluidor
dc.titleRenovação do diluidor na qualidade do sêmen canino resfriado
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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