dc.contributorMarisa Ribeiro Teixeira Duarte
dc.contributorAndréa Barbosa Gouveia
dc.contributorBruno Lazzarotti Diniz Costa
dc.contributorJosé Ângelo Machado
dc.contributorCarlos Roberto Jamil Cury
dc.creatorÁgnez de Lélis Saraiva
dc.description.abstractThe Federal Constitution of 1988 establishes for the educational policy of the country a federal environment in which its entities can organize their educational systems in collaboration (BRAZIL, 1988, art. 211, caput). Since its enactment, this environment has undergone transformations and the Union, using its legislative powers, has expanded the formulation of norms and basic education programs to be implemented by sub-national entities. Law 11.738 establishing the national professional salary floor for professionals in the public administration of basic education and Goal 1 of the National Education Plan 2014-2024, the object of study of this thesis, are some of these federal norms. In view of the wide inequalities among subnational jurisdictions, particularly the municipalities, this study asks: how do the stocks of resources affect the municipal "capacities" to implement federal norms and programs for the promotion of equity in the implementation of educational policies and/or programs? To answer this problem, this study starts from the analysis of the institutional environment that frames the relations among the federation entities through federal legislation for educational policy. It then analyzes the constituent process of 1987 and 1988 that culminated in the inclusion of the provision that guides the organization of the national system of education from a federative base and mediated by the collaboration regime (BRAZIL, 1988, art. 211, caput). At this time, a review of educational policy studies published in Brazil is being carried out to identify the conceptions and approaches to the functioning of the educational system and policy in the country. The study moves towards the analysis of the state capacity studies to find the definition, its constructs and the variables to undertake its analysis. Finally, it analyses the state capacities for educational policies of the four municipalities selected. This path seeks to achieve the general objective of the thesis, which is to analyze the resource stocks of the mining municipalities for the implementation of the two federal standards selected in their respective educational systems and network. Research and data analysis reveal that the federal environment for educational policy has become more centralized in the last three decades, that discussions in the constituency around the federal environment for educational policy and the term collaborative regime were not the most tense, and the repeated presence of this term in federal legislation for basic education policy has different meanings that have influenced educational policy studies. Finally, this thesis concludes that despite the federative centralization and the collaborative regime present in federal legislation, the municipalities, mainly responsible for implementing Law 11.738/2008 and Target 1 of the PNE 2014-2024, present inequalities in their stocks of resources that define unequal state capacities for implementation.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Conhecimento e Inclusão Social
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCapacidade de implementação
dc.subjectRegime de colaboração
dc.titleCapacidade de implementação de políticas públicas de educação por sistemas municipais de ensino: um estudo de caso

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