Dissertação de Mestrado
Expansão do ensino superior e diferenciação institucional: uma análise comparativa do efeito dos modelos clássicos e vocacionais sobre o status operacional de seus egressos
Matheus Faleiros Silva
Historically, higher education in the world was notable for his association with the formation of elites. There was a phenomenon of expansion of higher education in the world with various pressures for opening and democratization of this educational sector. However, the massification of higher education has not escaped to the stratification within the tertiary education systems. The demands of democratization were answered with the creation of alternatives, such as privatization and diversification, which were the access channel to the lower social classes. They kept certain privileges in Traditional Higher Education for certain social groups, which would occur also in the labor market after graduation. The present study tried to analyze the occupational prestige by the type of training that the individual had. It was compared the traditional training, focused on the training of elites at the expense of public universities in Brazil; and that the expansion systems, private institutions and technological, in relation to its impact on the position later occupied by the individual in the labor market. The data used for the analysis was Pesquisa Nacional por Amostras de Domicílios (PNAD) of 2007, that it was the only series with the supplement of Vocational Education.