dc.contributorMaria da Conceicao Carvalho
dc.contributorMarta Passos Pinheiro
dc.contributorFabricio Jose Nascimento da Silveira
dc.creatorPâmela Bastos Machado
dc.description.abstractBetween the decades 1920-1950, Monteiro Lobato brought significant contributions for the formation of the Brazilian children readers through his editorial project and his literary of Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, being recognized as the precursor of Brazilian children's literature. The writer discovered the pleasure of writing for children and strove to how his literary works were received by your readers. Letters was the mean of communication and interaction between writer and his readers, documents source for researches that sought to understand the recept of Lobatos literature by children in that period. However, there is a dearth of studies on children's readers Lobatos literature in contemporary and how it is appropriated by them. With the aim of continuing the construction of the history of reading of children's literature of Lobato initiated with readers who lived during the same period him, this research presents a profile of current children readers of this same literature who attend Biblioteca Pública Infantil e Juvenil de Belo Horizonte. Basing on such authors as Roger Chartier, Michel de Certeau, Jean Marie Goulemot and Edmir Perrotti, appropriation is understood as knowledge construction and proves the plurality of uses, interpretations and understanding of the texts. As main objective, the present research investigated and systematized elements present in the transcribed oral discourses of children's readers collected through semi-structured interviews, which revealed their modes of reading and assigning meanings to childrens literature of Lobato in contemporary.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectLiteratura infantil lobateana
dc.subjectMonteiro Lobato
dc.subjectLeitores de Lobato
dc.subjectHistória da Leitura
dc.titleNetos de Lobato: modos de ler o Sítio do Picapau Amarelo no século XXI
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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