Monografia (especialização)
Teste comparativo : eletrodo revestido E6013 - ø2,5 mm nacional e importado
Matheus Henrique Nunes
Murilo Machado Faria de Azevedo
Among of the all welding process, the most currently wide spread method is the SMAW ( Shielded metal arc welding). This is due its versatility as well as its low cost. As consequence of the high demand and the low internal production capacity, there are in Brazil, a huge Market in the welding field, highlighting products from China, which are the biggest export country in the world. From this background the main goal of this work was to make a technical comparative between the E6013 Ø2,5mm imported and national, in order to check qualitatively and quantitatively its condiction as well as characteristics. For that, our work was made upon the AWS A5.1 standart – American Welding Society which its designation is about the shielded electroded properties and then two test was made, being : Welding blind Test which is empirical and was made by 3 professionals welders, and the tensile test which its goal is to reveal characteristics dates about the material. The Blind test showed a positive result but which was not confirmed by the tensile test, due to the identification of defects in the weld.