Monografia (especialização)
Fortalecimento da cogestão no processo de trabalho da escola técnica do sistema único de saúde do Maranhão
Regimarina Soares Reis
Technical School of Brazil’s National Health System (ETSUS) constitute a privileged
locus of possibilities for the exercise of management in its widest sense, because they
involve many actors with different perspectives of reality and varied interests. In the
Technical School of Maranhão (ETSUS-MA) co-management is adopted as a strategy
to conform these diverse perspectives and interests in favor of organizational
development, so that workers constitute as subjects while working. However, in the last
three years ETSUS-MA grew bulky in quantity and variety of training needs, which
become more complex the process of co-management. For co-management to
materialize in practice it is necessary to create institutional conditions for the exercise of
shared management. Thus, this paper presents an action plan to be implemented in
2013, which aims to strengthen the co-management in the work process of the school,
through the establishment and organization of collective spaces that allow the listener
and training of subjects, increasing its capacity analysis and intervention on reality.
Wheels of conversation will be implemented, periodic workshops, space for
strengthening of the Technical Support Matrix and space qualification of the teachinglearning process. The Plan is guided by the Method of the Wheel as a method for
managing groups organized by proposing the inclusion of new subjects in the
management process. According to the method, the creation of collective spaces
systematized points to the realization of democratic institutions, which corroborates
with the option of managing ETSUS-MA.